
Project information

Design & Build of an Aircraft for SAE Competition 2022

The mission for 2022 season consists of the design of an electric wing aircraft fixed capable of carrying two types of load: one centered on the fuselage and up to 10 off-center loads attached to the wing structure.

This aircraft must successfully complete a 360° circuit around the airfield in less than 3 minutes, achieve a successful takeoff within a distance of 61 meters and a safe landing within the distance of 122 meters.


  • design and build an aircraft capable of taking off in less than 61 m and landing in less than 122 m. using the atmospheric conditions of the city of Querétaro.
  • Evaluate the controllability and dynamics of the aircraft through transfer functions, derived stability and root locus
  • Design and build a structure capable of withstanding the forces developed in the aircraft during its takeoff, climb, cruise, descent and landing phases.
  • Obtain the flight envelope of the aircraft