Victor Velasco


About Me

Hi, I'm Victor, Aerospace Engineer

I'm a young enthusiast by the technology and science, I enjoy learning new things and create tools for helping others.

In this space, you will find some of the works that I have done or participated throughout my career.

I hope we can make a good match!

Big Data Analyst & Front-End Developer Jr.

  • Birthday: 5 June 1998
  • Phone: +52 477 1102919
  • City: Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Age: 24
  • Degree: Bachelor Degree
  • Email:


I'm a passionate about acquire new knowledge, I'm continuously upping my skills. Here there is a list of some of my recent achievements.

CRUD using SQL & MongoDB, Firebase, NodeJS

Programming Languages Java, JavaScript, Python, Scala

Certifications Software Programmer, Spark Associate & Professional by Infosys & more...

Projects Multiple disciplines


I have worked as a mechanical designer using CAD/FEA simulation and warehouse administrator & creating technologies applying ISO 9001 standards, but nowadays, I'm focused on the area of IT as a big data analyst and front-end developer. I'm searching for a job that helps me for growth in IT.


Foundation Master Mechanics and Environment


École Centrale de France

  • Develop a 5-door sedan suspension with MATLAB
  • Optimization of a bean in cantilever using MATLAB

Aerospace Engineer


Instituto Politécnico Nacional-UPIIG

  • Third best GPA of the generation
  • Develop a 4-axys PID controller using MATLAB/ SIMULINK
  • Structural linear and non-linear simulation & design of an UAV using MATLAB
  • Aerodynamic design and build of a sailplane using programming in MATLAB

Courses & Certifications

Data Analyst

2023- Present


  • Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
  • Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Full Stack Developer

2022- Present


  • Web Developer
  • Programming using JavaScript
  • React JS

Professional Experience

System Engineer Trainee

2022 - Present


  • Programming using Java for business requirements
  • DBMS, CRUD using SQL & NoSQL for data manipulation in clusters
  • Data analysis using Hadoop:HDFS, Map Reduce, HIVE and data migration using Scoop
  • Data analysis using Spark Framework: RDDs, DF & DS
  • Data batch analysis using Spark Streaming: Connecting with Kafka, HDFS, Queue Streaming & Network Sockets
  • Consumers and producers using Apache Kafka
  • Business analysis

Mechanical Design Engineer


Grupo Plasma Automation

  • CAD design using SolidWorks of an automated Pallet machine.
  • Manufacturing plan of materials
  • Machining processes and costs
  • Purchase Orders, quotation & searching of new providers

Intern Materials & Warehouse Management


Ultramagic América

  • Warehouse management & material planning for air balloons
  • Reduce the lead time of materials from 30 minutes to 6 minutes in 6 months through a standard procedure for control of materials
  • Reduce from 490 to 6.65% the variability of registration of products, designing a data base and a program to cyclic counting of materials.


  • All
  • Data Analyst
  • Full Stack Web
  • Engineer


If all you have seen is liked to you, please don't hesitate to contact me using any of the next mediums.


León Guanajuato, México


+52 477 1102919


Contact me