
Project information

  • Category: Engineering
  • Client: Freelance
  • Project date: 01 Feb, 2021

Structural Design & CAD/FEA using Ansys Mechanial

Búho is an UAV project developed in Mexico that need a structural design capable to support all the efforts given in flight conditions.

The project had the objective of design a proper struture for the wing of the UAV applyng numerical iterative calculations fo stress and strain in fligth and the validation using linear FEA using ANSYS Mechanial.


  • Determine the CAD design for the UAV
  • Calculate the Von Mises main efforts in the wing analytically & using ANSYS
  • Optimize the design for the best cost-saving solution
  • Determine the most fitted materials for that mission
  • Adjust the design to the maximum takeoff weight and geometrical dimensions given in the CFD final CAD design